Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Quick Surgery Update

I wanted to send out a quick update for all of you sweet people who have been praying for us today.  I'm doing this from my phone so excuse any grammar mistakes!

Surgery went well.  We will learn more from the doctor tomorrow when he rounds.  It took a little longer than expected, as it took an hour for them to get her IV in.  This is not surprising to us...she's always had issues with this.

She was doing well in post-op until they brought her up to the Peds floor and moved her.  She was pretty hysterical for about an hour and a half.  She's better now but still waking and crying.  Really, Chad and I just want her to sleep.  It's pretty heartbreaking not to be able to do anything or even hold her.  It's hard to say if she is in pain or just scared and confused by everything.  Regardless, it's been a difficult few hours for us.

Continued prayers are appreciated.

-pain control
-mom and dad emotions and exhaustion
-her tummy (constipation is a big issue post surgery that can cause real issues)

Again, thank you all for sticking with us today and sending up prayers on Elena's behalf.  It is such a comfort to us to know that we aren't in this alone.

We will keep you posted.


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