Thursday, August 7, 2014

Five Years

Chad and I are celebrating our five year anniversary tomorrow.  FIVE YEARS has literally gone by in the blink of an eye.

We had such a fun wedding.  We were completely surrounded by everyone we loved, wide-eyed and ready to begin our life together.  It's funny looking back to how big of a deal that day is.  I mean it IS a big deal, making a commitment in front of everyone, but it's just a blip in time.  What really matters is everything that happens afterward.

Life happens after that happy day.  Bad things happen.  Good things happen.  Life has thrown so much at us in just five short years, and I never could have made it without him. I have to say that marrying Chad was the best decision I've ever made.  Being married to him is better than I ever could have imagined.  Our life isn't perfect by any means, but we have so much to be thankful for.
I'm one lucky little lady.

Happy Anniversary Chad.  I'm so thankful to spend another year with you, my love, my best friend, my partner.

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