Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Lately, I've been praying incessantly for calm.  Calm in Elena's life, in my life and in the lives of those I love.  It sometimes feels like I'm stuck in a whirling tornado of heartache, sadness and frustration.  Not just for me, but for my friends and family that are facing tough life challenges.  I'm ready for a break in all the action, ready to float the lazy river instead of racing down the water slide out of control.  

It's no coincidence that I stumbled upon a new blog in the last couple weeks.  It's written by a mom who has faced more turmoil in her life than one could ever imagine.  But she always, always finds the calm.  She calls it "Chasing Rainbows".  She blogs every day about her life suffering from infertility issues, losing a sweet daughter and most recently, her adorable son Gavin.  I've been so drawn to her writing because Gavin's challenges remind me of Elena.  Her perspective has been such an inspiration to me.  Most the time it's easy to maintain our positive outlook but every now and then life gets rough and I fall into a funk (cue life is currently rough).  She has reminded me to keep looking in our lives for the blessings that arise out of the hurt.    It's easy to forget the unexpected miracles we have experienced in the last year and half when faced with our current challenges and an uncertain future.  Underneath all this life stress, my calm is there waiting for me to grasp it.  Sometimes it just takes a little inspiration, a little reminder to dig it out.  

I encourage you to read her eulogy.  Maybe her words will touch you like they did me.  Maybe they will inspire you to take a moment to breathe, find your calm and "chase rainbows" in your life.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Do u read She was just talking about chasing rainbows!!! Cheering u on....
